Friday, February 5, 2010

Groundhog Day

Yesterday, I visited my surgeon who said he spoke with my oncologist who are advising that I need 12 more weeks of Chemo before my surgery.  The tumor has shrunk but it's less than average than they'd like.     The next treatment I will receive is a drug named Taxol, which has less side effects.  I will received 12 treatments once a week.  The treatments last around 1-2 hours.  I will probably find out what side effects I will endure during the 1-2 weeks of treatment.  A lot of people who have received this type of treatment say the side effects are not that bad.  Let's pray thats true for me.  

Finally, draw your strength from the Lord and from his mighty power.  Ephesians 6:10

On another note, my sister Tina's father inlaw passed away early this week.  I pray that his soul enters the kingdom of heaven on angels wings.

Also, the Confirmation Retreat is this weekend and pray the Holy Spirit reigns in each heart in a very special way.  So many people work so hard to put on this retreat for the kids, it's really a sacrifice of love.

So the past couple of days my mom has been staying with me, Jack has been taking care of both of us.  He's so patient and caring.  (poor guy). 

Hugs and blessings to All!


  1. Jeanne,
    It must have been so difficult for you to hear the news of more treatments - but your strength amazes me. Maybe you've already been through the worst of this, and the upcoming treatments will be better (or not as bad).
    Everyone is rooting for the Saints (or should be). As you say - Geaux Saints?
    Take care - miss you!
    Nancy R

  2. Hi Jeanne - you are an inspiration to us all. Let's do lunch when you are feeling better. My fingers are crossed that you have a better reaction to the upcoming treatments. Everyone here will be thinking of you on Sunday and rooting for your Saints.

    Geaux Jeanne and Geaux Saints!!

    I miss you - be good to yourself.
    Penny S.

  3. Thanks Nancy R & Penny for your love and support. I'm very excited about the game this Sunday! Geaux Saints! Who Dat?!!!

  4. Jeanne,
    Wow, your family is going through so much! I'm sorry to hear you have to continue the Chemo; but hope the side effects are less. Keep smiling!! You're amazing!

  5. Looks like you weren't sleeping! Too excited about the game tomorrow? Your positive attitude through all of this helps me realize how much I have to be thankful for every day. You are the aroma of Christ! 2 Corinthians 2:14


  6. I'm actually excited about the game tomorrow. However, I was up with my mom. When she wakes up sometimes I have a hard time going back to sleep. :) Love you!

  7. Good Luck today on the Game Jeans & Jack!!!
    Dutch 1

  8. The football Saints probably don't realize it, but you were the inspiration for their victory today! I'm tellin' ya' the Saints are on your side -- the ones in New Orleans, AND the important ones up above! In addition to all here who love you! Hang in there -- you are not alone!
