Sunday, December 1, 2013

No place like home for the Holidays!

Hi there my friends and family!  I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving! I know I did!  Spent it with my sister Roseline and her husband!  Missed my other sister, Tina though. She spent it with her in-laws family. We all had a nice time with family and PLENTY to eat!

I have to say I'm really glad November is behind me.  Got those expanders out and the drain! Yeah!!!!! Looking forward to the Holidays!  There are some things I want to do during this advent season.  I know I have limitations and I'm afraid to commit to something and not be able to follow through. Here are a few things I want to do!
  • Finish shopping and wrapping by Dec 8 this is something I've never been able to accomplish! I've been know to be wrapping my presents minutes before we open! 😁
  • At least 3-4 nights drive around looking at lights.  If you know some good local places to go please let me know.  This is something my husband and I love to during Christmas time. 
  • Go caroling with family and friends. Let's get together and do this for nursing homes, elderly people at home and possibly for some children who are ill?  Doesn't that sound like fun?  We can get boom box to play the carols so it won't matter if your too shy to sing.  A group of friends from Church came by house when I was going through chemo, it was so special. A night I will always remember. Let me know if your interested!
  • Bake some cookies for my husband!
I know this may seem like an easy list but I just found out I'm going to be very busy in December at UCSF.  You see at my last appointment last week I found out it's time to change my medicine. My doctor said since your cancer is slow growing for your next treatment I would like you to try a clinical trial. Even though clinical trials are used mostly for patients at the end of their disease you are certainly not there but your cancer is slow growing so I think you can benefit from this new treatment that is doing very well.  We won't have to go through the approve medications now, they can be saved for later.  I'll write more about the new treatment in a day or so. Just wanted to let you know I'm going to be very busy getting a lot of test done, etc. at UCSF.

For now  I'm trying to live in the moment and enjoy my life!  Got my tree up!  How about you?
2013 Christmas

Hugs and Blessings!

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