Friday, December 4, 2009

First off, I can't say it enough, THANK YOU EVERYONE for your love, support and prayers!

Medical Update:  Tuesday (12/8, I'm scheduled to have the PET Scan (finally).  I will keep you updated with the results.  I'm praying no other cancer is found in body (from nose to my knees).  Wednesday (12/9), I'm scheduled to have the PortaCath inserted.   I will probably start my chemo treatments the following week.

Today, I got my wig.  I think it looks nice, but it's not like having your own hair.  It will be a nice change though.

Just wanted to let you know Mom is doing well too.  She is such an inspiration to me.  Jack, too, has been supportive, listening to all my thoughts and helping with my decisions.

Tina gave me information on St. Peregrine who is the Patron Saint of Cancer Patients.  My mom and I will be praying this novena starting today.  If you'd like to join us, you can do so through this link:
St. Peregrine Novena

God Bless and Hugs to All!


  1. Just wanted to let you know I'm thinking of you and adding you to my prayers. Love, Vickie

  2. Vicki-thanks so much for the prayers and support!
