Thursday, March 21, 2013

Cruising Along

Praise God my health is stable and my back is still healing!  I went to UCSF today and  my doctor is very pleased with my progress. My scans are showing that my back is healing and the tumor is inactive. They don't use the term remission they use the term "inactive".  I'm just trying to adjust to the side effects of the drug.  I have severe arthritis symptoms with this drug.  We are making some adjustments so hopefully this will lessen.  Because I'm doing so well, she is recommending I come every three months instead of every month. We are trying to find a local doctor here that will give me my shot which helps my bones heal. I'm so thankful to God, I feel beyond blessed!

We finally moved to our little house in the country next to my sister, Rose and her husband.  I am so grateful for her and her husband letting us live on their property.  Now that we're here I feel so at peace.    I still have a lot of boxes to unpack but I think we're going to be very happy here.

In other news, I don't know if you heard but I open my own online jewelry boutique!  It's called Jeanne's Jewelry Boutique!  I'm very excited about it, below is a link if you want to go check it out! I have over 300 pieces of jewelry and accessories in my shop that I hand-picked from emerging designers.  If you have any questions or need any help picking something out for someone special or for yourself please let me know I'll be glad to help!

Click here to go Jeanne's Jewelry Boutique

I've always wanted to have my own business and I never thought I could with my current diagnosis.   God is so good!  Thank you all for your continued support, love and prayers!

Jeanne Oast