Monday, December 23, 2013

Merry Christmas - 2013!

I can't believe Christmas is almost here!  When I checked back on my list I made earlier this month I see I wasn't able to do all my things on my list.  Let's see... I did finish my shopping on time, however my wrapping isn't done. I didn't go caroling , however, I did go to a Christmas party where we sang some caroling songs.  Jack and I saw some wonderful Christmas lights while we are in San Francisco last week. So all in all I don't think I did too bad. How about you did you get all that you wanted to get done this Christmas season?  I really love this time of year so full of hope and love!

Some of you are already aware that I did get accepted to the clinical trial at UCSF.   Praise God! My first day was Wednesday (12/18) of last week.   Let me reiterate and say that I'm in this clinical trial not because I don't have other options, it's because  my cancer is slow-growing and my doctor thought that I would benefit from this clinical trial. If this clinical trial doesn't work I do have other options drugs.

I may get kinda clinical in my explanation but it's only for other ladies who may have the same diagnoses. I hope you never have to understand or know these terms.  This trial is for metastatic breast cancer patients who are ER+PR+HER-   It's called the Study of LEE011, BYL719 and Letrozole (Femora) in Advanced ER+ Breast Cancer.  It's in Phase II in the study they are determining dosing and side effects.  This is an international study being done in the USA,  Australia,   France,   Hong Kong,   Israel,   Italy,   and Spain.  Only 300 patients total in this current phase spread out in these countries.  I'm not sure of the final count at UCSF but I think it's 3 now.  Because they are testing 3 different combinations I think currently I'm the only one at UCSF on BYL719 & Letrozole.  In about 2-3 months they will be accepting more people in this trial.

The reason this clinical trial is so important is because there are minimal side effects and the drug's longevity (24 months).  This drug is supposed to stop tumor growth and may reduce it.  Here the link should anyone want read the details;

I feel very blessed and honored that I was selected in this study. This is huge step in cancer research.  I'm doing this for the future of my family and friends.  I also donated my biopsy tissue to cancer research.  They will study will test my cancer tissue and find out what drugs my cancer is and isn't resistant to. Isn't that fascinating?

In the past couple of days I have been adjusting to this new drug and also had to go off the fentanyl pain patch.  Been feeling nauseous and fatigue but that seems to be going away.  Jack too was sick with flu, but he seems to be feeling better too!  Thank God!

I pray you all have a very Merry Christmas filled with joy and laughter!

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Let it Snow!

Hey there!

My sister Roseline and I are going to UCSF tomorrow.  I'm having an MRI and some lab work done; getting ready for the clinical trial. I have to all these scans and tests done in a 3-week period in order qualify for the trial.  I think I will know by early next week if I will be accepted.

So I'm asking you my friends to pray for me that MRI comes back with no significant change or I'll take a miracle too!     Thank you God for already answering my prayer! I also appreciate you my friends for your love and encouragement!

Hope you have a great week!  Try to stay warm!

Oh the weather outside is frightful 
But the fire is so delightful 
And since we've no place to go 
Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow! 

Hugs and blessings!
JO xoxo

Sunday, December 1, 2013

No place like home for the Holidays!

Hi there my friends and family!  I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving! I know I did!  Spent it with my sister Roseline and her husband!  Missed my other sister, Tina though. She spent it with her in-laws family. We all had a nice time with family and PLENTY to eat!

I have to say I'm really glad November is behind me.  Got those expanders out and the drain! Yeah!!!!! Looking forward to the Holidays!  There are some things I want to do during this advent season.  I know I have limitations and I'm afraid to commit to something and not be able to follow through. Here are a few things I want to do!
  • Finish shopping and wrapping by Dec 8 this is something I've never been able to accomplish! I've been know to be wrapping my presents minutes before we open! 😁
  • At least 3-4 nights drive around looking at lights.  If you know some good local places to go please let me know.  This is something my husband and I love to during Christmas time. 
  • Go caroling with family and friends. Let's get together and do this for nursing homes, elderly people at home and possibly for some children who are ill?  Doesn't that sound like fun?  We can get boom box to play the carols so it won't matter if your too shy to sing.  A group of friends from Church came by house when I was going through chemo, it was so special. A night I will always remember. Let me know if your interested!
  • Bake some cookies for my husband!
I know this may seem like an easy list but I just found out I'm going to be very busy in December at UCSF.  You see at my last appointment last week I found out it's time to change my medicine. My doctor said since your cancer is slow growing for your next treatment I would like you to try a clinical trial. Even though clinical trials are used mostly for patients at the end of their disease you are certainly not there but your cancer is slow growing so I think you can benefit from this new treatment that is doing very well.  We won't have to go through the approve medications now, they can be saved for later.  I'll write more about the new treatment in a day or so. Just wanted to let you know I'm going to be very busy getting a lot of test done, etc. at UCSF.

For now  I'm trying to live in the moment and enjoy my life!  Got my tree up!  How about you?
2013 Christmas

Hugs and Blessings!

Sunday, November 17, 2013

My New Normal

Hey there I know I haven't been updating my blog for a while. Actually I was trying to get use to my new normal. Also, I needed to decide if I wanted to continue this journey openly with you, because this journey I'm on is going to be a road riddled highs and lows.   For now I've decide to keep this journal only because I'm going to need your prayers and friendship as I'm fighting for my life.

However, I've learned in the past few years that maintaining a friendship with a friend who has an incurable disease maybe hard for some people.  I completely understand if that is the case with you.

So here it goes - my health update is:

  • Still on my original hormone (anastrozole) medicine for over year. The goal is to be on a drug for as long as possible.  This current drug I'm on only has an average life of 7 months before it stops working. So the fact that I've been on it for 13 months is very good.  
  • Still getting the Xgeva shot every month to help heal my bones. 
  • Still going to UCSF I have a new doctor as my original doctor left UCSF to be closer to her home.  
  • Getting PET/CT scans and MRI every 3 months to monitor my progress
  • My progress is pretty much the same. It appears that my spine is trying to heal itself. However, the spots on my lungs have grown a little but nothing that is significant. 
  • My expanders were removed Monday 11/11/2013.  I'm currently at home recovering from surgery.  I have those blasted drains in right now. Hopefully they will be removed tomorrow. 
For I know well the plans I have in mind for you, plans for your welfare and not for woe, so as to give you a future of hope.  Jeremiah 29:11 

Overall, I feel very blessed and gratefully for my family and friends. Looking forward to the Holidays!   Love and hugs to all of you!
Jeanne Oast

Ps. Geaux Saints!

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Cruising Along

Praise God my health is stable and my back is still healing!  I went to UCSF today and  my doctor is very pleased with my progress. My scans are showing that my back is healing and the tumor is inactive. They don't use the term remission they use the term "inactive".  I'm just trying to adjust to the side effects of the drug.  I have severe arthritis symptoms with this drug.  We are making some adjustments so hopefully this will lessen.  Because I'm doing so well, she is recommending I come every three months instead of every month. We are trying to find a local doctor here that will give me my shot which helps my bones heal. I'm so thankful to God, I feel beyond blessed!

We finally moved to our little house in the country next to my sister, Rose and her husband.  I am so grateful for her and her husband letting us live on their property.  Now that we're here I feel so at peace.    I still have a lot of boxes to unpack but I think we're going to be very happy here.

In other news, I don't know if you heard but I open my own online jewelry boutique!  It's called Jeanne's Jewelry Boutique!  I'm very excited about it, below is a link if you want to go check it out! I have over 300 pieces of jewelry and accessories in my shop that I hand-picked from emerging designers.  If you have any questions or need any help picking something out for someone special or for yourself please let me know I'll be glad to help!

Click here to go Jeanne's Jewelry Boutique

I've always wanted to have my own business and I never thought I could with my current diagnosis.   God is so good!  Thank you all for your continued support, love and prayers!

Jeanne Oast

Thursday, January 24, 2013


Blessed, that's how I feel! I got my results back today from my PET scan.  The cancer in my bones have lessened and my bones are starting to heal.  The nodes on my lungs show no change.  The doctor said as long as they don't get bigger will just continue to monitor them.  The scan also showed no cancer in my brain however I will still have an MRI to make sure the cancer has not grown on my skullcap.  Overall the results are very good and my doctor is very pleased! 

Thanks again I am humbled by all your prayers, love and support!  God is good all the time!

Hugs and blessings,
Mrs. Jeanne Oast

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Upcoming Test

This week I'm having a PET Scan.  I will get my results this Thursday.  Hoping and praying for the best!  Physically I'm feeling stronger, but I still have a lot of limitations.  I will never be the same as I was before, I will have my new normal.

We have set our move date to Saturday, February 9th. We've started sorting and packing already.   If you are available to help us move on the 9th, please let me know!  Jack has done a fabulous job getting our new place ready for us.  Later, I will post some before and after pictures.

We will be renting out our house in Lathrop. If you know anyone interested in renting our house, let me know.  It has 4 bedrooms and 2 1/2 baths. We don't know what the monthly rent will be, but it will be right around $1700.

Please know I'm praying for all my family and friends!

God is good...All the time!

Friday, January 11, 2013

A Christmas Gift!

Sorry I haven't updated my blog in a while.  I have some good news to share with you!

First, I hope everyone had a beautiful Thanksgiving and Christmas! 

Thank you so much for your love, encouragement and prayers.  I'm here to tell you they REALLY work!

On Christmas night I was laying in bed praying and thanking God my beautiful family.  Also, the gift of my new great niece coming in June 2013!  I had a sudden urge to check my email, so I checked my email on phone.  My lab results came in from UCSF, my cancer markers are now in the "normal range"!!!  What a beautiful gift from God on Christmas day!

I asked my doctor later that week what that meant?  She said it's great news and that you are responding very well to treatment.  She ordered a PET Scan and a MRI which will give us more information.  So those tests are scheduled the end of January 2013.  So thanks again my friends and family for your prayers and support!

Happy New Year!   I will you let you know later this month the results of the scans.

Hugs and Blessings to you!
Mrs. Jeanne Oast

God you are my rock and my salvation!