Sunday, November 11, 2012

Praise the Lord My Soul!

Just want to let you know I'm doing well and I feel like I'm getting stronger every day.  Not only am I getting stronger but I feel so much peace and feel so good mentally.   I'm so humbled and grateful for your love and prayers. 

My next visit to UCSF is the 11/21 the day before Thanksgiving!  Just getting my shot and having some blood drawn for my labs.  That's it! 

Hope you have a great week!

Jesus, I Trust in You!
Love to you!
Mrs. Jeanne Oast

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Take That Cancer!

POW!  Take that cancer!  This  week I recieved my blood test results and my cancer markers have decreased "significantly" from last month!  So happy! 

My doctor was pleasantly surprised and didn't expect such a good result so soon.  At my last doctor visit, she said don't be surprised if this new medicine doesn't reduce your cancer very much.  She really wants to try the next medicine on the list which has better results, but my health insurance won't let her.   My doctor called me this week to give me the good news on blood results.  She is very happy and so am I.  I'm not in the normal range yet, but I'm on my way.

Thanks so much for your prayers!  I know this positive outcome is because your prayers!  I'm so grateful!  May God be the Glory! 

Hope you have a fantastic week! God is good...ALL the time!

Hugs and Blessings!
Mrs. Jeanne Oast