Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Back to the Future!

Today was a really long day - had my appointment at the hospital did all my pre-op work (blood test, EKG, chest Xray, signed my admit papers, had my interview with the nurse)  I was there almost all day!!!  Because it took so long I missed one other appointment so I had to reschedule for tomorrow.

Okay, I think most of you has seen the movie Back to the Future? If you haven't, so sorry you may not get what I am saying *smile*! Picture "Doc" the scientist in the movie, very serious with that crazy hair? Well that is my surgeon! He is so great, love him! My appointment with my surgeon went well and we are all set for July 12th. The total operation will be about 5 hours long. (Yikes). He said it will seem like a minute for me, but longer for the others who will be waiting.

Hope you have a fantastic July 4th.  I don't have any plans, just a quiet day with Jack.  I'm thankful all the people (past, present and future) in our military who has protected our country!  We are so blessed!

God Bless You!

Sunday, June 27, 2010


Sorry, I haven't updated this blog in a while....

So here is the update on my health situation:  On July 12th I will have my surgery.  Pray the pathology results come in "cancer free".  The surgery is scheduled at St. Josephs and I will probably be there a   1-2 days.  My recovery period is around 4-6 weeks.  This week I have several appointments to prepare for surgery.  I'm feeling pretty good right now, just dealing with all the little side effects of the chemo.  Which is nothing compared to actually having chemo.  I will keep you updated in the coming days up to my surgery.

So what have I been doing this past few weeks?  Well, I've been working part time and staying with my mom.  My mom is doing well, she is sleeping a lot these days.

I kept faith, even when I said, "I am greatly afflicted!"  Psalms 116:10

Have a fantastic week! Thanks for all the well wishes, prayers, love and encouragement!

Hugs and Blessings to All!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010


This week is so much better than last week.  I don't know what happen last week but my energy level went way down and it took several days to snap out of it.  This week I feel so much better.  Praise God!

I'm working 3 half days this week!  I don't believe I posted this information before, but as I was going through Chemo I applied for a new position within my company.  It's a position I've wanted for over a year if not longer.  It's an analyst/project management type of postion - the formal title is Information Management Specialist.  I wanted it so bad.  So when I heard about it, I had to apply.  For the interview I slapped on my wig and mustered every ounce of energy to get through it.  Well I must have done something right, because I got the job!!!  It's very exciting going into work doing something you like.

On another note, (changing gears - keep up people) when I first was diagnosed with breast cancer I joined the American Cancer Society - Cancer Survivor Network.  There is wealth of information on there.  But the community boards are amazing.  The people on the Cancer Survior Network are so inspirational.  You can share anything about you illness and they know exactly what you're talking about.  It makes you feel normal.  So if you know of anyone who might benefit feel free to pass this information along: http://csn.cancer.org/csnhome

This week June 3, is my moms birthday!!! She'll be 76.  When I asked her where she wanted to go for her birthday, she said "Jackson" of course.  LOL  So that is where we'll be on Thursday!  She is amazing my mom, love her!

Hope you have a great week!
Hugs and Blessings to All!

Oh before I sign off want to thank some special people who sent me some pretty fantastic cards!  You know who you are!  They are so uplifting, they really help me get through this journey.  I also enjoy the comments & emails when you're able to reply they are like a shot of energy! And last but not least the silent prayers in your heart I'm eternally grateful. I truly am blessed!